File:Transmission line animation.gif - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

Transmission_line_animation.gif(300 × 100像素,文件大小:112 KB,MIME类型:image/gif、​循环、​30帧、​1.8秒)


English: A lossless transmission line, terminated at an impedance-matched load resistor (box on right). Red color indicates high voltage, and blue indicates low voltage. Black dots represent electrons. (See also File:Transmission_line_animation3.gif for a newer and simpler version.)
来源 自己的作品
作者 Sbyrnes321


Creative Commons CC-Zero 本作品采用知识共享CC0 1.0 通用公有领域贡献许可协议授权。

Source code

""" (C) Steven Byrnes, 2013. This code is released under the MIT license  This code runs in Python 2.7 or 3.3. It requires imagemagick to be installed; that's how it assembles images into animated GIFs. """  from __future__ import division   import pygame as pg from numpy import cos, pi, sin, asarray  import subprocess, os directory_now = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))  frames_in_anim = 30 animation_loop_seconds = 2 #time in seconds for animation to loop one cycle  bgcolor = (255,255,255) #white linecolor = (0,0,0) #outline of resistor is black ecolor = (0,0,0) #electron color is black  img_height = 100 img_width = 300  #transmission line wire length and thickness, and y-coordinate of each wire tl_length = img_width * 6//7 tl_thickness = 5 tl_top_y = img_height*4//9 tl_bot_y = img_height*5//9 - tl_thickness//2 #second term is to keep it symmetric  wavelength = 0.6 * tl_length  resistor_length = img_height//2 resistor_width = resistor_length//3  resistor_center = (img_width - resistor_width*3//2, img_height//2)  top_lead_path = [(tl_length, tl_top_y + tl_thickness-1),                  (tl_length, img_height//9),                  (resistor_center[0], img_height//9),                  resistor_center]  bot_lead_path = [(x,img_height-y+1) for (x,y) in top_lead_path]  lead_thickness = 2  def rgb_from_V(V):     """     voltage V varies -1 to +1. Return a color as a function of V.     Color is a 3-tuple red,green,blue, each 0 to 255.     """     return (100+100*V, 100 - 100*V, 100-100*V)  def tup_round(tup):     """     round each element of a tuple to nearest integer     """     return tuple(int(round(x)) for x in tup)  def make_wire_surf(phase_at_left):     """     make a pygame surface representing a colored wire. startphase is phase     at left side of the wire.     """     imgarray = [[rgb_from_V(cos(phase_at_left + 2*pi*x/wavelength))                  for y in range(tl_thickness)] for x in range(tl_length)]     return pg.surfarray.make_surface(asarray(imgarray))  def make_resistor_surf(phase_at_top):     """     make a pygame surface representing the resistor. topphase is phase at top     """     imgarray = [[rgb_from_V(cos(phase_at_top) * (1 - 2*y/resistor_length))                      for y in range(resistor_length)]                     for x in range(resistor_width)]     surf = pg.surfarray.make_surface(asarray(imgarray))     pg.draw.rect(surf,linecolor,surf.get_rect(),1) #1-pixel black outline     return surf  def e_path(param, phase_top_left):     """     as param goes 0 to 1, this returns {'pos': (x, y), 'phase':phi},     where (x,y) is the coordinates of the corresponding point on the electron     dot path, and phi is the phase for an electron at that point on the path.     phase_top_left is phase of the left side of the top wire.     """     d = 3 #pixels between electron path and corresponding wires     path_length = ( 2*(tl_length - d) #transmission lines                   + 2*(img_height//3) #left vertical leads                   + 2*(resistor_center[0] - tl_length + 2*d + lead_thickness)                   + 2*(resistor_length//2 - img_height//9) #right vertical leads                   + resistor_length) #through resistor     howfar = param * path_length          #move right across top transmission line     if howfar < tl_length - d:         x = howfar         y = tl_top_y - d         phase = phase_top_left + 2 * pi * x / wavelength         return {'pos':(x,y), 'phase':phase}     howfar -= (tl_length - d)          #move up lead     if howfar < img_height//3:         x = tl_length - d         y = tl_top_y - d - howfar         phase = phase_top_left + 2 * pi * tl_length / wavelength         return {'pos':(x,y), 'phase':phase}     howfar -= img_height//3          #move right to above resistor     if howfar < (resistor_center[0]- tl_length) + 2*d + lead_thickness:         x = tl_length - d + howfar         y = img_height//9 - d         phase = phase_top_left + 2 * pi * tl_length / wavelength         return {'pos':(x,y), 'phase':phase}     howfar -= (resistor_center[0] - tl_length) + 2*d + lead_thickness          #move down to top of resistor     if howfar < (resistor_length//2 - img_height//9):         x = resistor_center[0] + d + lead_thickness         y = img_height//9 - d + howfar         phase = phase_top_left + 2 * pi * tl_length / wavelength         return {'pos':(x,y), 'phase':phase}     howfar -= (resistor_length//2 - img_height//9)          #move down resistor     if howfar < resistor_length:         x = resistor_center[0] + resistor_width//2 + d         y = resistor_center[1] - resistor_length//2 + howfar         phase = phase_top_left + 2 * pi * tl_length / wavelength         return {'pos':(x,y), 'phase':phase}     howfar -= resistor_length          #beyond here use the mirror symmetry     flipdata = e_path(1-param, phase_top_left)     flipdata['pos'] = (flipdata['pos'][0], img_height - flipdata['pos'][1] + 2)     return flipdata  def main():     #Make and save a drawing for each frame     filename_list = [os.path.join(directory_now, 'temp' + str(n) + '.png')                          for n in range(frames_in_anim)]      for frame in range(frames_in_anim):         phase_top_left = -2 * pi * frame / frames_in_anim         phase_top_right = phase_top_left + 2 * pi * tl_length / wavelength                  #initialize surface         surf = pg.Surface((img_width,img_height))         surf.fill(bgcolor);                  #draw transmission line         top_wire_surf = make_wire_surf(phase_top_left)         bottom_wire_surf = make_wire_surf(phase_top_left + pi)         surf.blit(top_wire_surf, (0, tl_top_y))         surf.blit(bottom_wire_surf, (0, tl_bot_y))                  #draw lead wires         color = rgb_from_V(cos(phase_top_right))         pg.draw.lines(surf,color,False,top_lead_path,lead_thickness)         color = rgb_from_V(cos(phase_top_right + pi))         pg.draw.lines(surf,color,False,bot_lead_path,lead_thickness)                  #draw resistor         resistor_surf = make_resistor_surf(phase_top_right)         surf.blit(resistor_surf, (resistor_center[0] - resistor_width//2,                                   resistor_center[1] - resistor_length//2))                  #draw electrons         num_electrons = 100         equilibrium_params = [x/(num_electrons-1) for x in range(num_electrons)]         phases = [e_path(a, phase_top_left)['phase'] for a in equilibrium_params]         now_params = [equilibrium_params[i] + sin(phases[i])/(1.3*num_electrons)                            for i in range(num_electrons)]         coords = [e_path(a, phase_top_left)['pos'] for a in now_params]         for coord in coords:   , ecolor, tup_round(coord), 2, 0)        , filename_list[frame])              seconds_per_frame = animation_loop_seconds / frames_in_anim     frame_delay = str(int(seconds_per_frame * 100))     command_list = ['convert', '-delay', frame_delay, '-loop', '0'] + filename_list + ['anim.gif']     # Use the "convert" command (part of ImageMagick) to build the animation, cwd=directory_now)     # Earlier, we saved an image file for each frame of the animation. Now     # that the animation is assembled, we can (optionally) delete those files     if True:         for filename in filename_list:             os.remove(filename)  main() 


A lossless transmission line, terminated at an impedance-matched load resistor (box on right). Red color indicates high voltage, and blue indicates low voltage. Black dots represent electrons.





当前2014年2月24日 (一) 14:502014年2月24日 (一) 14:50版本的缩略图300 × 100(112 KB)Sbyrnes321smaller file size, by switching from to imagemagick
2012年7月30日 (一) 13:402012年7月30日 (一) 13:40版本的缩略图300 × 100(258 KB)Sbyrnes321


