化學生物學 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

化學生物學(英語:Chemical Biology)是哈佛大学斯图亚特·L·施莱伯等人所提倡,利用分子生物學的手法,搭配有機化學的方式,探討細胞內核酸或是蛋白質等生物體內分子的功能或是反應。Schreiber等人指出:“化学生物学是对分子生物学的有力补充,化学生物学是采用化学的手段,如运用小分子或人工设计合成的分子作为配体来直接改变生物分子的功能[1]






  1. ^ Stuart L. Schreiber, K.C. Nicolaou. What's in a name?. Chemistry & Biology. 1997, 4 (1): 1–2. Chemical biology powerfully complements molecular biology; while molecular biology allows the function of biological molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids to be altered by mutation, chemical biology directly alters the function of biological molecules by chemical means, for example by using small molecules or designed molecules as ligands. To us. this is the core of the field of chemical biology.