修道院博物館 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

40°51′53″N 73°55′55″W / 40.86484°N 73.931905°W / 40.86484; -73.931905

修道院博物館(The Cloisters)是美國紐約市的一座博物館,位於曼哈頓華盛頓高地地區的崔恩堡公園。修道院博物館是大都會美術館的分館。





  1. ^ New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission. Postal, Matthew A. (ed.). Dolkart, Andrew S.英语Andrew Dolkart; Postal, Matthew A. (text). Guide to New York City Landmarks 4th. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2009. ISBN 978-0-470-28963-1., p.213
  • Barnet, Peter; Wu, Nancy. The Cloisters: Medieval Art and Architecture. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 2005: 208. ISBN 1-58839-176-0. 
  • Hoving, Thomas. King of the Confessors. Simon & Schuster. New York, New York: 1981.
  • Hoving, Thomas. King of the Confessors: A New Appraisal. cybereditions.com. Christchurch, New Zealand: 2001.
  • Rorimer, James J., The Cloisters. The Building and the Collection of Mediaeval Art in Fort Tryon Park, 11th edition, New York 1951.
  • Uzig, Nicholas M. "(Re)casting the Past: The Cloisters and Medievalism," The Year's Work in Medievalism 27 (2012).

