SMA* or Simplified Memory Bounded A* is a shortest path algorithm based on the A* algorithm. The main advantage of SMA* is that it uses a bounded memory, while the A* algorithm might need exponential memory. All other characteristics of SMA* are inherited from A*.





SMA* has the following properties

  • It works with a heuristic, just as A*
  • It is complete if the allowed memory is high enough to store the shallowest solution
  • It is optimal if the allowed memory is high enough to store the shallowest optimal solution, otherwise it will return the best solution that fits in the allowed memory
  • It avoids repeated states as long as the memory bound allows it
  • It will use all memory available
  • Enlarging the memory bound of the algorithm will only speed up the calculation
  • When enough memory is available to contain the entire search tree, then calculation has an optimal speed



The implementation of Simple memory bounded A* is very similar to that of A*; the only difference is that nodes with the highest f-cost are pruned from the queue when there isn't any space left. Because those nodes are deleted, simple memory bounded A* has to remember the f-cost of the best forgotten child of the parent node. When it seems that all explored paths are worse than such a forgotten path, the path is regenerated.[1]

Pseudo code:

function simple memory bounded A*-star(problem): path   queue: set of nodes, ordered by f-cost; begin   queue.insert(problem.root-node);    while True do begin     if queue.empty() then return failure; //there is no solution that fits in the given memory     node := queue.begin(); // min-f-cost-node     if then return success;          s := next-successor(node)     if ! && depth(s) == max_depth then         f(s) := inf;          // there is no memory left to go past s, so the entire path is useless     else         f(s) := max(f(node), g(s) + h(s));         // f-value of the successor is the maximum of         //      f-value of the parent and          //      heuristic of the successor + path length to the successor     end if     if no more successors then        update f-cost of node and those of its ancestors if needed          if node.successors  queue then queue.remove(node);      // all children have already been added to the queue via a shorter way     if memory is full then begin       bad Node := shallowest node with highest f-cost;       for parent in bad Node.parents do begin         parent.successors.remove(bad Node);         if needed then queue.insert(parent);        end for     end if      queue.insert(s);   end while end 


  1. ^ Russell, S. (1992). "Efficient memory-bounded search methods". In Neumann, B. (ed.). Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Artificial intelligence. Vienna, Austria: John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY. pp. 1–5. CiteSeerX